和紅茶6種類 お試しセット 2023夏摘み / Japanese Black Tea 6 Tasting Pack <2023 Second flush> | SAYAMA Single Origin Tea -狭山茶 シングルオリジンティー-
¥1,250 税込
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
『狭山茶 Single Origin Tea 和紅茶 6種詰め合わせ』
ゆたかみどり 5g x 1袋
ふくみどり 5g x 1袋
ゆめわかば 5g x 1袋
ほくめい 5g x 1袋
さやまかおり 5g x 1袋
やぶきた 5g x 1袋
〈SAYAMA Single Origin Teaの和紅茶〉
SAYAMA Single Origin Teaで扱う和紅茶は全て日本茶用に開発された品種のシングルオリジンです。
Sayama Single Origin Japanese black Tea 6 Tasting Pack
Yutaka-midori 5g x 1p
Fuku-midori 5g x 1p
Yume-wakaba 5g x 1p
Hokumei 5g x 1p
Sayama-kaori 5g x 1p
Yabukita 5g x 1p
Six kinds of Sayama Single Origin Tea, Yutakamidori, Fukumidori, Yumewakaba, Hokumei, Sayamakaori and Yabukita, are packed 5g each. Please compare different varieties and find your favorite taste and aroma. This is good as a gift to your friends.
"How can you make good Japanese Black tea?""
[Required materials]
A teapot
3 grams or 1.5 teaspoons of tea leaves
160 ml of boiling water
Put the tea leaves into the teapot, pour in the boiled water around 100℃, and wait for around 3 minutes.
Brewing at a slightly lower temperature can also be done to bring out a fuller flavor.
"SAYAMA Single Origin Tea's Japanese black tea"
Japanese black tea refers to black tea grown and produced in Japan.
In fact, the history of Japanese black tea is surprisingly long, and "Benifuuki" and "Benihomare" developed in Japan can be said to be representative of varieties for Japanese black tea.
All of the Japanese black teas sold at SAYAMA Single Origin Tea are single origin varieties developed for use in Japanese teas.
We hope you will enjoy these very rare Japanese black teas, which are hard to find even in Japan.
Please note that the arrival date and time cannot be specified.
The image is for reference only.
¥1,250 税込